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浏览:- 发布日期:2022-09-04 13:08:24【


“水锤现象”(Water hammer effect ) 


It refers to that when the open valve is suddenly closed, due to the inertia of pressure water flow, water flow shock wave is generated and destructive effect is generated. This is the "water hammer effect" in hydraulics, that is, positive water hammer.


On the contrary, after the closed valve is suddenly opened, it will also produce a water hammer, called negative water hammer, which also has a certain destructive force, but it is not as big as the former.

水锤滞后效果即可就好比如像汽车追尾事件,最前排的车瞬间车停了,为后的车未适时遇到,最后造是夺命汽车追尾事件事件,让最前排的车伤害造成 。水锤滞后效果也是与这家近似。

The water hammer effect is like a rear end collision. The front car suddenly stopped because the rear car was not found in time, resulting in a series of rear end accidents and serious damage to the front car. The water hammer effect is similar to this.




溶缸闭锁结构定律是由低拉力进行力中介系统所促使的的,该进行力中介系统沒有充裕的拉力以要保持在贴近阀块的职位,促使泵的总是闭合或阀体的总是闭合,而使制造水锤定律。相对 设定阀,在很多问题下,快开型用户性状的阀体能不能促使水锤定律。

Usually, when the valve is close to closing, the closing element suddenly sucks into the valve seat, which is called the cylinder locking effect.

The locking effect of the dissolving cylinder is caused by the low thrust actuator, which does not have enough thrust to keep close to the valve seat, resulting in the sudden closure of the pump or the sudden closure of the valve, resulting in water hammer effect. For control valves, in some cases, valves with fast opening flow characteristics can also cause water hammer effect.   

似乎水锤形成特别大的解决,但切实的损失是由机械设备制造已过期致使的。毕竟由势能陡然地变现成静态式的的地埋管有压力,水锤会冲开地埋管或损坏防腐钢管电气支架和损失地埋管连接头。谈谈闸阀,水锤也许 凭借阀芯形成可怕共振,它也许 导至阀芯、平垫或骨料的已过期。

Although the water hammer makes a lot of noise, the real damage is caused by mechanical failure. Because of the sharp change from kinetic energy to static pipeline pressure, water hammer will break through the pipeline or damage the pipe support and pipeline joint. For valves, water hammer can produce serious vibration through the valve core, which may lead to the failure of the valve core, gasket or packing.


面对调节阀 ,解决具体办法水锤的具体办法是避免 机系统什么没预兆的阻力信誉最好的ag平台。

For valve,the way to prevent water hammer is to prevent any sudden any pressure changes in the system.  


This includes slowing down the closing speed of the valve itself or providing a greater degree of tension and rigidity when the closing element approaches the valve seat. In order to prevent pressure fluctuation, the valve shall be closed at a uniform change speed. In some cases, when the quick open feature is used, it can be required to change to the equal percentage feature. For the control valve that must be throttled when approaching the valve seat, an actuator with sufficient output thrust, such as piston pneumatic actuator or hydraulic actuator, or a special notch shall be set on the stroke sleeve of the manually rotating operator, which will reduce or prevent the cylinder locking effect. Setting some type of anti fluctuation measures on the pipeline system can also reduce water hammer. This can be done using a pressure relief valve or a buffer drum. In addition, gas can be injected into the system, which can reduce the density of the fluid and provide some compressibility to deal with any sudden fluctuations.


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